Gerber Technology: from design to cutting
(Inlegmash 2020, Stand FÑ018)

12 / 02 / 2020

Gerber Technology is a textile industry innovator. The company developed the world's first automated cutter back in 1969. Nowadays, Gerber offers comprehensive solutions for cross-cutting automation of apparel design, patterning, laying, data processing, and controlling of automated cloth spreaders and cutting machines.

Gerber Technology controls a fair share of the global market of automated cutting complexes for the light industry. Over the past 15 years, Gerber Technology's equipment has been procured by major apparel and textile product manufacturers. More than 1 billion apparels are made each year by means of Gerber Technology systems in more than 100 countries.

In the period from 2001 to 2019, the Gerber Technology office operating in Russia and other former Soviet republics fulfilled over 500 automated production projects, including the installation of over 250 cutting complexes and more than 2,000 AccuMark pattern design workstations. The work of these installations is supported by three service centers in Moscow, Kyiv, and Minsk, which have a sufficient stock of spare parts and skilled personnel for solving various problems within the shortest possible period of time.

Learn more about demonstrated equipment, its technical parameters and additional features at Stand FÑ018, Forum Pavilion, EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, Moscow during the Inlegmash exhibition on March 17–20, 2020.
