Inlegmash expands its exhibition. Now it is the International Exhibition for Equipment for the Textile and Garment Industry
The INLEGMASH exhibition has been held since 1970. From the very beginning it has been the first largest international exhibition platform of equipment for manufacturing and processing textiles, footwear and leather goods production, production and special purpose products. During the whole period of the exhibition the terms and content of the exposition have been changing depending on the market activity and industry development.
Today, while preparing the next projects, we are glad to note that interest in the exhibition is growing not only from the textile machinery industry, but also among other sub-sectors of the main subject matter. Thus, not the first year the exposition of the exhibition continues to develop dynamically, there appeared and successfully presented "Sewing Salon", as well as sections "Logistics" and "Certification", new high-tech equipment in finishing production, etc. At the same time, the main part of the tradeshow exhibition is still dedicated to textile equipment, components and consumables presented by famous brands from around the world.
Taking into account the interests of professional visitors first of all and the wishes of domestic exhibitors, as well as the interest of international exhibitors in the project at EXPOCENTRE AO, it was decided to change the name of the expanded exhibition to INLEGMASH - International Exhibition for Equipment for the Textile and Garment Industry. This will most fully reflect the current and future content of the exhibition, provide an opportunity to present the full range of professional industrial equipment and technology of modern production.