Post Show Report Russian Textile Week 2022, Inlegmash 2022
The 21st edition of the International Exhibition for Equipment for the Textile and Garment Industry, Inlegmash 2022, has once again brought together manufacturers and suppliers of Russian and foreign brands of equipment, spare parts, components and consumables for production of textiles and apparel.
The show was held within Russia’s largest series of events for the textile and garment industry, Russian Textile Week, which brought under one roof Inlegmash 2022, Interfabric 2022. Spring, Legpromforum and the 2nd Inlegmash International Conference. The events were held in parallel in hybrid format.
Russian Textile Week is organised by EXPOCENTRE AO and Souzlegprom – the Russian Union of Textile Industry Enterprises with support of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
Russian Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Oleg Bocharov
“Russian Textile Week traditionally brings together leading international trade shows, providing an opportunity to get a full insight into the latest technological developments. Today, there are three key trends characterising the Russian market: digitalisation of technological processes, omnichannel promotion and sales, and ecology as a new factor in fashion development.”
Russian Textile Week has already become a traditional and important industry-wide event and a key platform for professional and constructive discussion of the main issues related to the creation of a competitive textile and garment industry in Russia.
First Deputy Director General at EXPOCENTRE AO Sergey Selivanov
“Today, Russian Textile Week is an important tool for finding new niches for Russian business. As for the congress and exhibition industry as a whole, the pandemic has shown that it is ready for the challenges. The number of events at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds last year increased almost threefold compared to 2020. The exhibitions have once again demonstrated that they are a very effective mechanism for the recovery and further development of Russian business.”
The official opening ceremony was attended by Russian Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Oleg Bocharov, Vice President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vladimir Padalko, President at Souzlegprom – the Russian Union of Textile Industry Enterprises Andrey Razbrodin, Chair of the Board of Trustees at the Flax Union Viktor Ivanov, Head of the Bellegprom Concern Tatiana Lugina, First Deputy Director General at EXPOCENTRE AO Sergey Selivanov, and other officials.
Russian Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Oleg Bocharov
“It is important to emphasise that the government has a tough stance today – all enterprises and all teams must be preserved. We will not let the industry be damaged because of the withdrawal of foreign companies.”
In the current situation of sanctions pressure, the task of the textile and garment industry is to withstand and minimise losses amid the restructuring of the entire economy, to reorient itself to markets in other countries in the short term, and to establish closer links with new partners.
President at Souzlegprom – the Russian Union of Textile Industry Enterprises Andrey Razbrodin
“As foreign brands are leaving Russia today, windows of opportunity are opening for our manufacturers. They need to unite and create new programmes.”
Inlegmash 2022
Dates: 14–17 March 2022
Venue: EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
Organised by EXPOCENTRE AO
Supported by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, Souzlegprom – the Russian Union of Textile Industry Enterprises
Under auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Exhibition area: 2,000 sq m
Exhibitors: 118 companies
Countries: 14 (Austria, China, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkiye)
Foreign exhibitors: Andritz Laroche, DAP RU (Dürkopp Adler è Pfaff industrial) Schott & Mesmer, Callebaut de Blicquy, Mageba, Prashant, etc.; newcomers included Graute, Luwa Air Engineering, Microforatura, Steinemann Technology, Toyota, Zimmer MaschinenbauRussian exhibitors: 58 companies including Allart Service, Knit, MAYAK COMPANY LLCMireks, Konica Minolta Business Solutions Russia, NISSA Distribution, Pletmash, Smart-T, SND, SportTex, the Embroidery Studio of Dmitry Adlin, Textile and Technology, Textile Machines Sirenko, TL TEX, Shveymash, CBP-Service, etc.; newcomers included LTR West, Matek, Olmax, Stylon, Technoprint, TMT Group, Transit Resource, Elfort, Flexoprom
Products on display: equipment for the primary processing of natural fibres, chemical fibre processing, spinning, weaving, finishing, garment production, textile printing, BPM software, equipment for footwear and leather goods production, design and energy supply for production, etc.
For the convenience of our visitors, Inlegmash 2022 introduced a salon display principle with three salons: Textile Equipment, Materials and Other Services, Sewing Equipment, and Textile Printing Equipment.
Inlegmash 2022 was the first time that the show featured a Consultation and Education Centre supported by the Kosygin Russian State University. The Centre provided an opportunity for young professionals and students to feel part of the textile industry community.
For the second time, the Digital Factory showed a textile mini-factory that gave a full insight into the digital production of clothing.
EXPOCENTRE AO and the Kosygin Russian State University signed a cooperation agreement at Inlegmash 2022.
Alexey Vyalkin, Director General at EXPOCENTRE AO
“We always try to accommodate the needs of Russian universities in terms of promoting Russian technologies. We provide a platform for students and make startup zones at our trade shows. Our joint work will be aimed at becoming a universal platform for our university colleagues to promote innovative products and educational programmes, and at giving students an opportunity to find partners and new markets at EXPOCENTRE's events.”
The success of Inlegmash 2022 was confirmed not only by its figures but also by the feedback of its exhibitors and visitors.
Conference programme
The conference programme was opened with the Panel on the Russian Textile and Garment Industry: Realities and Challenges of 2022, organised by EXPOCENTRE AO and Souzlegprom.
The panels’ participants included Russian Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Oleg Bocharov, Souzlegprom President Andrey Razbrodin, Vice-President at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vladimir Padalko, representatives of many industry associations, and executives of textile companies from different regions of Russia.
The 2nd INLEGMASH International Industry Conference was an important event that welcomed top executives and technologists of leading Russian enterprises, representative of well-known global brands, industry agencies and unions, financial organisations, funds, and support institutions.
A series of events were held by EXPOCENTRE and Souzlegprom – the Russian Union of Textile Industry Enterprises.
The Open Dialogue: Instruments of State Support: Practice in the Application was moderated by Assistant Rector of Research at the Kosygin Russian State University Oleg Kascheev. Opening the discussion, he said that that a clear production programme and flexible state regulation in the interests of national private business are now necessary for the further development of the textile industry in this country. The Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade currently offers a wide range of measures to support the textile and garment industry: economic, administrative, state procurement regulation, human resources, and measures aimed at implementing investment projects, etc.
Vice-President at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dmitry Kurochkin reported on the work of the chamber in preparing anti-crisis proposals, in which the relevant committees and councils are actively involved. Several proposals were prepared jointly with the Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Textile and Light Industry and sent to the Russian government and partially already being implemented by the relevant public authorities. The chamber works closely with the Industry Development Fund on investment projects. Concessional loans under the programmes of the Industrial Development Fund are given to the enterprises of the textile industry.
Dmitry Kurochkin informed about the investment infrastructure of the system of chambers of commerce and industry, pointing out that chambers of commerce and industry of all levels are actively involved in assisting with the attraction of investments to the industrial enterprises.
The event was followed by a discussion during which the speakers answered questions from the audience and gave valuable advice to representatives of industry enterprises.
The discussion continued at the Business Dialogue 'Building Production Facilities: a New Look at Equipment' with professionals in nonwovens and composites from Smart-A Consult, representatives of European machine building companies Andriz Laroche, Graute, Schott & Meissner and others. Industry experts touched on important topics such as the use of natural fibres in the production of thermally bonded nonwovens, 3D weaving technology, bast fibres, spinning and weaving equipment, cord, rope and yarn production and knitting machines.
On the first day, the Inlegmash International Industry Conference also hosted the Meeting on Designing Textile Industry Products. Representatives of Assol, Yamato and Assyst spoke about the advantages of Russian design automation systems (CAD), plotters and cutting equipment, virtual fitting room, as well as the experience of implementing CAD in various productions.
EXPOCENTRE AO with the support of the Kosygin Russian State University organised the Panel on Digital Manufacturing. Digital Twins, dedicated to the future development of textile and garment industry enterprises on the basis of digitalisation. The panel was moderated by Alexey Silakov, Vice Rector for Research at the Kosygin Russian State University. The speakers were Professor Oleg Kascheev, Chief Expert of the Worldskills Russia Digital Manufacturing Competence and representative of Siemens Sergey Galkin, General Director at PROSOFT Dmitry Shvetsov, and other prominent experts. The participants discussed a wide range of topics from Industry 4.0 and responsible production as a fundamental trend in the development of the textile and garment industry in the 21st century to training professionals in the field of digital production, simulation modelling as a tool for creating a digital twin of production in light industry, and other issues.
New Technologies for Garment Enterprises was the topic of a panel organised by EXPOCENTRE AO and Souzlegprom. The event was moderated by Head of the Souzlegprom Committee for Digital Printing and Textile Decoration Mikhail Shpilkin. Experts from leading industry companies familiarised the audience with new technologies of sewing, cutting equipment, software and automation of sewing production, and certification systems of production for international cooperation.
The participants of the Panel on Digital Printing and Textile Decorations reviewed the results of the digital printing and textile decoration segment in Russia in 2021 and the forecasts for 2022, shared their experience of using advanced digital printing equipment, as well as equipment for textile processing before and after digital printing.
The meeting devoted to Personnel for the Russian textile and garment industry: professions and qualifications, up-to-date content of educational programmes, pressure points, the Professionalitet project generated a lot of interest. The event was organised by EXPOCENTRE and Souzlegprom with participation of Rector of Ivanovo State Polytechnic University Evgeniy Rumyantsev, Deputy Director of the Textile Industry and Forestry Complex at the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade Veronika Bobrovskaya, and other experts.
Another thematic meeting called Social media alternatives: from brands to industrial enterprises. Why and how? was devoted to a discussion of advertising campaigns in social networks for industrial enterprises, as well as a breakdown of mistakes in working with social networks. It was moderated by Daria Yadernaya, curator of the joint MBA programme of MGIMO and the British Higher School of Design Fashion Industry Management, and Olga Yefimova, producer, stylist and expert in content for brands.
The second day concluded the Conference on Reuse and Recycling – Technology, organised by EXPOCENTRE AO and Souzlegprom. Experts in natural fibres and recycling, representatives of industry associations, leading companies and research institutes discussed the recycling of textile waste and old clothes into yarn, technological opportunities for textile waste recycling, technological features of textile material recycling, and eco-initiatives in the fashion industry.
EXPOCENTRE AO, Souzlegprom and the Roslenkonoplya portal organised the meeting devoted to the topic of Cotton, linen, hemp, nettle or polyester? Raw materials security of the Russian textile industry. According to its moderator Oleg Kascheev, Assistant Rector of Research at the Kosygin Russian State University, such a large and powerful country as Russia must have its own raw materials base in order to carry out provision of its own industry with the necessary raw materials. This task is one of the most important at the present stage, because without raw materials none of us can produce anything.
Speaking at the meeting, Yuri Krupnov, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Interregional Public Foundation for Support and Development of the Flax Industry 'Flax Union', drew colleagues' attention to the fact that our country has created an interesting sector of the last remodelling: design, fashion, tailoring. In his opinion, when some foreign brands are leaving today, new opportunities arise. But in doing so, the supply of raw materials is of paramount importance.
Industry experts discussed in detail what is realistic to produce in the current economic and geopolitical conditions, and how to supply Russian textile producers with raw materials.
The Inlegmash Conference was concluded with the Panel on Technical Textile: at the Intersection of Industries. It was held as a joint meeting of the Soyuzlegprom Committee for Chemical Fibres, Yarns, Technical Textile Products and the Commission for the Chemical Industry of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
Andrey Razbrodin, President of Souzlegprom, made specific proposals for solving existing problems. The first thing that needs to be done in the near future is to address the issues of financial support, subsidy, regulatory measures as well as additions to modern logistics. The second thing is the revival of intra-industry cooperation within the CIS countries. First of all, these are Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and others. We also have to work more with China.
Representative of the Chemical Industry Department of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade Anna Trofimova made a presentation on the draft Development Strategy for the Chemical and Petrochemical Complex for the period up to 2024 and for the period up to 2035. Heads of enterprises producing technical textiles, which according to experts is one of the priority areas for the development of the entire textile and garment industry in Russia, expressed their opinion on the current situation in the industry.
Legpromforum 2022. Spring hosted thematic sessions, open meetings, business workshops, panels, conferences, and master classes. The spring season summed up two industry contests: Interfabric Award 2022 and Textile Design Talents Award 2022.
The rich conference programme of Russian Textile Week gave industry professionals every opportunity to exchange experience, knowledge, and best practices, and to discuss new challenges in the context of sanctions. The exhibitors of Inlegmash 2022 and Interfabric 2022. Spring presented their new products and innovations, and studied offers of their competitors, found new partners or clients, and signed cooperation contracts.
In the current difficult situation it is the right time to unite, to find new solutions. Companies have to develop based on new directions and new realities. Any crisis means not only difficulties, but also new opportunities. And we need to take advantage of it.
We would like to extend a special thanks to our partners for their professional support: Smart-T, Pletmash and Hamcore.

We are looking forward to seeing you at Inlegmash 2023 at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds on 13–16 March 2023!
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Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO